quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2009

Era o autor de 'Peter Pan' um monstro?

By Michael Dirda, The Washington Post
Thursday, October 29, 2009


J.M. Barrie, the Du Mauriers,

and the Dark Side of "Peter Pan"

By Piers Dudgeon

Pegasus. 333 pp. $26.95

There might be scarier books this Halloween season, but it's unlikely that any will be as luridly creepy as "Neverland." Even if you already know a little about the sinister background of J.M. Barrie's classic play, "Peter Pan," you will be in for a shock. In these pages Piers Dudgeon presents a multi-generational history of psychological domination and submission, unnatural family relations, predatory abuse and suicide.

He also connects three great works of the popular imagination: George du Maurier's late-19th-century bestseller "Trilby" -- the novel in which the evil Svengali, through hypnosis, transforms a beautiful tone-deaf girl into a singing sensation but in the process destroys her soul; J.M. Barrie's death-haunted "Peter Pan," once titled "The Boy Who Hated Mothers"; and Daphne du Maurier's Gothic romance about spiritual possession, "Rebecca."

Íntegra no The Washington Post.

quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009

Papo no ônibus com Cartier-Bresson

The day I chatted with Cartier-Bresson on the bus
(Jonathan Jones, no The Guardian).

"I'm currently working on a Guardian project about photography, and one of the photographers I had to write about this week was Henri Cartier-Bresson. Looking over the images that this co-founder of Magnum and master of the passing moment had produced in his long lifetime, I found myself thinking two things. First, that he was one of the great modern French artists, whose photographs you can set alongside thepaintings of Pissarro. And second, I remember the day I talked to him on the bus, in Hackney.Well, he wasn't actually on the bus with me. I was interviewing him for a feature and had given him my mobile number. So one of the great artists of the 20th century phoned me when I happened to be on the 55 bus rumbling along Mare Street in east London.Cartier-Bresson wanted to talk because he was outraged that theheirs of Picasso were giving permission to put the master's name on a car. APicasso car was an obscenity, thought Cartier-Bresson, a commercial mockery of art. So he told me as I frantically took notes.He also sent a fax, stating his anger in his own handwriting. On it was his address – he lived on the Rue de Rivoli, next door to the Louvre. Not quite Mare Street after all.Now, looking at this great artist's photographs, I feel a thrill to have chatted with a genius on the bus. As time goes by, art finds its place. Cartier-Bresson's has found a lofty level; he absolutely had the right to speak out on behalf of Picasso, in whose company he belongs."

sábado, 24 de outubro de 2009


O New York Times traz consistente resenha sobre a nova biografia da DOROTHEA LANGE, a grande fotógrafa da depressão e da FSA - Farm Security Administration, falecida em 1965. Mesmo as fotos dos campos de internação dos americanos de origem japonesa, censuradas à época, são reproduzidas e comentadas. Possivelmente a biografia definitiva da fotógrafa, analisando todo o ambiente dos anos 30 a partir de sua vida.

DOROTHEA LANGE A Life Beyond Limits By Linda Gordon Illustrated. 536 pp.W. W. Norton & Company. $35
Na AMAZON US$ 23.10


Um dos lançamentos mais importantes do ano vai ser a reedição, pela Chicago University Press, da obra pioneira de Fox Talbot, The Pencil of Nature, numa primorosa edição que vai custar US$ 150. Trata-se de obra fundamental na história da fotografia. Os editores já estão aceitando reservas. Originalmente publicado como série entre 1844 e 1846, foi o primeiro livro inteiramente ilustrado com fotografias. À época, um desastre comercial, que obrigou Talbot a interromper a publicação.

Distributed for KWS Publishers
William Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
150 pages, 24 calotype plates 8 1/2 x 11
Cloth $150.00
ISBN: 9780981773667

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Leilão de fotografias no sábado 24 em SP

No dia 24 de outubro, 16h30, a casa de leilões Bolsa de Arte realiza leilão de fotografias em São Paulo. Entre as 45 imagens estão as dos fotógrafos Eduardo Muylaert, Adriana Varejão, Fabrizio Fasano, Tuca Vieira, Arthur Omar, Mario Cravo Neto, Antonio Guerreiro, Claudio Edinger, Mauro Restiffe, Roberto Schmitt-Prym, Waltercio Caldas Arthur Omar, Edu Simões, Vik Muniz e Rosangela Rennó. Disponível o catálogo com estimativas.

Sem título, da série Pink Paradise, 2008
Ed. 1/3. 60 x 90 cm

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

Super leilão beneficente na segunda, 5

Na Praia, 2008, de Eduardo Muylaert


Leilão beneficente “para Duncan”. Idealizado por Arto Lindsay, com o propósito de arrecadar fundos para o tratamento de saúde de seu irmão, Duncan.
Leilão: 05 de outubro de 2009, 21h

Visitação: de 02 a 04 de outubro das 11 às 20h
Local: Rua Oscar Freire, 379 – loja 01, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
Tels: (11) 3062-2333 e 3063-4412 (Manobristas no local)

Catálogo: http://paraduncan.blogspot.com/

Participação dos artistas
Adriana Aranha, André Komatsu, Angelo Venosa, Anna Maria Maiolino, Antonio Dias, Artur Barrio, Artur Lescher, Barrão, Beatriz Milhazes, Bob Wolfenson, Cabelo, Caio Reisewitz, Carlito Carvalhosa, Cildo Meireles, Daniel Senise, Detanico & Lain, Ding Musa, Eduardo Muylaert, Emmanuel Nassar, Ernesto Neto, Evandro Carlos Jardim, Fabio Morais, Jac Leirner, José Damasceno, Leda Catunda, Lenora de Barros, Leya Mira Brander, Luiz Zerbini, Márcia Xavier, Marco Veloso, Marcos Chaves, Maurício Ianês, Miguel Rio Branco, Mira Schendel, Mônica Nador, Nuno Ramos, Paulo Climachauska, Paulo Pasta, Raul Mourão, Renata Lucas, Regina Silveira, Ricardo van Steen, Rivane Neuenschwander, Tatiana Blass, Thiago Rocha Pitta, Tunga e Vik Muniz.